Easy Basket Wall

You know I love a good budget friendly DIY. This easy basket wall cost me about $10 and took me 15 minutes to create. 

These basket walls are a great way to add cheap decor to any space. You can check out my Pinterest board on basket wall inspiration here. 

First, I laid all my baskets on the floor to get the pattern I wanted. You could also use butcher paper to design your wall first. Check out how I did that with my photo gallery wall here.  The trick to purchasing these baskets is finding different patterns, textures, and sizes. If you’re local to OC, here is my list of my top favorite Goodwills to shop at.

When laying out your pattern, keep in mind you want balance. If you’re doing a large to small pattern, keep larger baskets on top and work your way down to the smaller one. You can pencil the pattern on the wall prior to hanging if you need a visual. If you’re doing a more random pattern, lay a large basket out and pick on of similar size and place on the opposite end to keep the balance. Continue this pattern through out.

Once you purchase your baskets and lay them on the floor in the position you desire, hang your baskets using small nails. For larger baskets you can use screws. I nail right through the baskets.

There you have it. A Pinterest perfect wall.

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